Product Description:
Example: Program the launch to 3000 rpm, +/- 200 rpm and shift point at 6200 rpm. This effectively creates a launch "window" of 2800 rpm to 3200 rpm. If the vehicle is staged (not moving) the unit enters into launch mode automatically. If the rpm is under the lower limit of 2800 rpm, the LEDs are off. If the rpm is above 3200 rpm, the LEDs flash rapidly. However, if the rpm is within 2800 rpm and 3200 rpm, the LEDs are on constant. So the user simply brings the engine rpm up until all LEDs are on. This keeps one from looking down at the tach trying to keep the tach needle to the desired launch point. After the launch, the unit automatically disables the launch mode and enables the shift mode, where it will come on at 6200 rpm in this example.
If you choose to not use the launch feature when your not at the track, simply press the program button twice within one sec to disable the launch feature. When your ready to race again, simply press the program button twice within one sec to re-enable the launch feature.
Available in four LED colors. Seven bright LEDs visible in direct sunlight. Easy wire-up: 4 wire connection. With the supplied ten foot long black cable, you don't need to add extra wiring.
Dimensions: 3.625" long x 0.75" diameter. The most compact shift light of any manufacturer! Allows you to mount it virtually anywhere within the vehicle, even in the AC vent for a hidden but effective shifting tool.